Monthly Archives: January 2013

New TomTom Fitness Tracker Adds Fat And Muscle Analysis

A new fitness tracker from TomTom claims to be the first on the Australian market to combine body composition analysis with step, sleep and heart-rate tracking. Adding a feature typically only found in dedicated scales or expensive technology, users of the TomTom Touch will be able to receive measures of body fat and muscle mass…

Sammy Offers Galaxy Sweeteners In Bid To Keep Market Share

Australian telcos, primed by Samsung, are offering “sweeteners to Galaxy Note 7 customers” in a bid to prevent them switching to competitors, according to an Australian IT report. The report says Telstra, Optus and Vodafone are all giving customers who agree to recontract on a Samsung device $250 of credit. The Galaxy Note 7 may…

Apple Seeks OLED Supplier To Replace ‘Terrible’ iPhone Display

It’s a well-known fact that the iPhone has a terrible display screen. In fact, if you pick up a high-end smartphone these days and chances are it will have a crisp, energy-sipping organic LED display — unless it’s an iPhone. Now Apple who are desperately trying to slow a slump in demand for the iPhone’s…

Galaxy S7 Update Integrates Note 7 Features

Samsung has begun to roll some of the software upgrades offered by the Note 7 into their Galaxy S7 handset. Reports by users of both the Galaxy S7 and the S7 Edge say a new software update has seen users gain access to the customisable Always-On Display function originally introduced with the Note 7. It’s a notable value-add to both devices…